Align Sports Chiropractic and Health Center now have Disc Decompression Therapy available. Disc Decompression Therapy is a non-surgical treatment for spinal injuries and spinal pain. Decompression Therapy effectively relieves the pain associated with disc herniation, degenerative discs, stenosis, posterior facet, sciatica, headaches, and other spinal related syndromes, by reducing the pressure on spinal discs and facet joints through unloading created by distraction and positioning. Inversion therapy is also available for thoracic pain and symptoms.
Research states that Decompression therapy has a high percentage of preventing low back and neck disc patients from having to pursue surgery. By employing this new therapy, an osmotic interchange of fluid can be used to speed healing of the disc by up to 71% and heal it in less than 100 days versus the 300-500 days needed for healing without treatment. Decompression therapy begins with a series of sessions, typically 2-3 times per week, based upon the severity of each individual’s symptoms. Most patients experience relief in just 1-2 treatments! Call to set up a free decompression consultation today!