Now Offering Super-pulsed Cold Laser Therapy

Low level therapy is a pain FREE treatment that gives patients another option for treating pain.
Laser therapy works because it increases adenosine triphosphate (ATP) synthesis in cellular mitochondria. The treatment can aid in reducing inflammation, improving circulation, stimulating the immune system, increasing collagen production, and relieving pain.
Low level therapy also offers a noninvasive approach to treating shingles. Research has shown low level therapy is an effective treatment option to reduce shingles pain and can resolve future outbreaks. The laser is held 1 cm above the affected area. Patients have reported decreased pain levels after the first treatment, and the pain continues to decrease as future treatments are performed.
Low level laser therapy treatments range from 5-10 minutes depending on the patient’s individual condition. Most patients reveal they notice a difference after the first treatment, but it may take 3-4 sessions before a dramatic change is distinguished.
Laser is not covered by insurance companies, however you
can add laser to your chiropractic adjustment for $20!