Indiana, PA Office:
520 Philadelphia St., Indiana, PA 15701
(724) 801-8622


Are you have jaw pain? Lockjaw? Trouble chewing? TMJ? We can help with that!


(Temporal Mandibular Joint)

Do you have any of the below symptoms?

Sinus pain                               Ear pain

Nose pain                               Vision problems

Vertigo                                    Tinnitus

Facial twitches                       Loss of taste

Loss of smell                          Loss of hearing

Migraines                               Popping/clicking of the jaw

Jaw pain                                 Recent dental work

Past dental work                   Bell ’s palsy

Grinding your teeth              Biting cheek


Do you sleep on your Back, Side or Stomach?

~Ask us how our Super-Pulsed Laser can help jaw pain!

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