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(724) 801-8622


Having digestion problems? Inflammatory bowel disease? Irritable bowel syndrome? Try probiotics to help improve bloating and decrease inflammation.


Use probiotics for digestion and nutrient assimilation, support immune system, improve bowel heath (Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome), restore dysbiosis, repair after antibiotic use, improve bloating, and to decrease inflammation!!!

Did you know: Many probiotics die in the manufacturing and shipping process. (Buy from a company where data from the manufacturing process is readily available.  Also, buy from a company that overnight cold ships the product so heat from sitting on a box truck/plane doesn’t kill it.)

Bottles don’t keep out moisture. (Buy from a company that uses CSP bottles/packaging.)

Companies sell “Proprietary Blends” that are nothing more than one main strand of bacteria with a few others sprinkled in to make is appear more well-rounded, when it is not.  (Buy from a company that lists CFU’s for every strain of bacteria in the bottle.)  Also, buy from a company that has a wide variety of bacteria in their products. 

Did you know that certain probiotic strains can carry antibiotic resistant genes?! Yikes! Buy from a company that only sells research strain ID’s!

 Stomach acid kills most probiotics. (Your supplement should be in an acid resistant, delayed release capsule or coated so it passes through the stomach without being damaged, so the bacteria can get to the intestines where they are needed.)

Some probiotics don’t actually stay with you and pass right through to your stool. (Buy from a company whose probiotics have a strong binding capacity (mucosal adherence) so they stay in the intestinal track.)

Ask Dr. Darcie and Dr. J about the probiotics they recommend!  Here are a few:

Probiophage- Incorporates bacteriophages; a non-fiber based pre-biotic which is specific against E-coli (may help with IBS, urinary tract infections, vaginitis, SIBO.)

Probiotic Synergy- Sustain release capsule.  Excellent foundational and maintenance product.

Probiomed- 50, 100 or 250 Billion – High dose probiotics for symptomatic patients.

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